Monday, July 16, 2012

The MYP Programme Model and Fundamental Concepts

The MYP ProgrammeModel  and Fundamental Concepts
The IB Middle Years Programme Model is a very useful way to understand how the curriculum works.The MYP is a framework that is designed to help students find a sense of belonging in an ever changing and increasingly interrelated world.
A further explanation of the parts which make up the MYP can be found here. Notice that the center of the programme is the learner—something to keep in mind each and every day in the IB classroom! The fundamental concepts form the basis of the whole Middle Years Programme. They should infuse:
           teaching and learning
           the ethos of a school
           the activities of a school
          The relationships of a school with the wider community.

The three fundamental concepts form the basis for the MYP’s curriculum framework, which is shared by different types of schools in all parts of the world. They should be the guiding principles in designing the curriculum and school activities.These three fundamental concepts overlap. None of them should be considered as “alternative areas of interaction”.

Questions for Reflection:
1.       Write your own definitions of each fundamental concept.
2.       What does each fundamental concept imply for education in general?
3.       What can you do in your classroom to facilitate each concept?


  1. 1. Communication – The exchange of information or ideas

    Intercultural Interaction – The meeting and exchange of information and ideas across cultural groups

    Holistic Education -- An approach to education that seeks to educate the whole child and that focuses on social, emotional, and physical development as well as intellectual development.

    2. These fundamental concepts imply that educators should not just be trying to educate students to make them knowledgeable but should also be trying to help them to develop a sense of character and self, to become good local and global citizens, and to learn to communicate with and work with other people across national and cultural boundaries.

    3. I think that communication can be facilitated through cooperative learning as well as through whole-class discussions and debates. I think it is important for a teacher to establish a classroom that is a place where students feel comfortable and safe sharing their thoughts and opinions and where everyone’s opinion is respected, even when there is disagreement. Intercultural interaction can be facilitated by teaching history from multiple perspectives. Holistic education can be incorporated by encouraging and helping students to relate historical events, issues, and ideas to problems, issues, and experiences in their own lives and to issues facing the global community today.

    -- Carrie Roberts

  2. Communication is the exchange of information and ideas. Intercultural awareness is understanding how different groups behave. Holistic education is an approach to educating the entire child, meeting his intellectual, psychological, physical, and social needs.
    Like the name implies, the fundamental concepts will serve as the foundation for the curriculum and education in my class. They will help to remind me that my role to help shape these students into adults.
    I agree with Carrie in that communication can best be taught through discussion and cooperative learning. Cooperative learning will also help students learn intercultural awareness. Holistic education I'll approach slightly differently. I think that this fundamental concept will manifest itself through routine. I will make it routine to educate my students on a social awareness. I will make it routine to meet their psychological needs.
    Nilima Vashi
